Who is SafeTech?

SafeTech Wholesale is a consultant driven company with a goal of providing sound technical programs and solutions to our customers in need of consistently upscaling their processes and procedures for safety and personnel management. 

Our services include online training, live workshops, consulting and process development for all industries who require safety focused learning and development programs. We pride ourselves in providing technology programs and products that are suited to your needs. 

We are a division of L&D Marketing Solutions LLC who provides programs, printed and electronic materials, software and products to professional learning and development trainers and coaches worldwide. 

Personnel Manager Pro

HR & Safety Software that allows you to track both people and safety concurrently and interconnect for better results for your work environment as well as your company tracking and liability. 

People are the key to workplace excellence. If you give HR the knowledge and time to work with people, they can build the kind of culture, policies, and practices that set entire organizations free to be better at what they do. With automation processes you give employees the power to help themselves so they feel more valued and capable as contributors in your company rather than being seen as numbers on a spreadsheet. 

Personnel Manager Pro, is a software that allows for you to track, log communicate and manage personnel as well as implement safety protocols and notifications at any level that works for your needs. You have the ability to integrate our software to your current logins, time clock devices, card readers, qr readers and more.  Contact us for your free consultation. 

SafeTech Hardware

We are proud to announce our newest division of hardware offerings that provide tech driven solutions that are programmed to suit most company needs and can be modified and programmed to suit virtually any custom needs.

SafeTech Scanner • Facial Recognition
• Temperature Scan
• ID Badge Scan
• QR Code Scan
• Stand Alone, LAN or Remote Managed
Personnel Touch-Free Management

SafeTech Scanner has raised the bar on Touch-Free Personnel Management…

with  features that allow for employee check-in, stranger detection and temperature verification, ID card scan features. You have the option to program the SafeTech Scanner for facial identification for a few employees to thousands of students or hundreds of approved contractors… all done by adding users easily in a few short clicks.

Recent World Events has made it a standard to ensure and protect safety and health everyone through the door of your business. The Temperature Sensing feature can be engaged at any time to scan employees and guests with the potential to prevent people with fever from entering your facilities. You can set the temperature you allow as well as settings for alarms and “No Entry” notices.

You can decide if you want to use the units to simply qualify that people are in the system, or have a standard temperature, or track time of arrival & departure from your establishment.  You set your settings to your liking.

These units are great for:

  • Personnel Management for Offices, warehouses, workstations & more
  • Temperature Temperature check at entry of any location
  • Time tracking for any business who wants touch-free time clock functionality that requires actual person on site for facial recognition.
  • School Roll Call
  • School Temperature check at entry
  • JobSite Employee tracking
  • Event Guest Checkin
  • Building Employee & Guest Checkin
  • & More!